20 Jun
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury Campus, Luton, UK, 20th June 2019 - 21st June 2019
After the very successful 2nd Luton Neonatal Neurology Conference in 2018, we are now back with another conference for 2019
Fetal-Neonatal Medicine is an exciting field, with enormous recent advances in imaging as well as antenatal, perinatal and postnatal interventions. This event will prove to be useful to all healthcare professionals involved in the care of the fetus and the newborn, including Neonatologist, members of Fetal-Neonatal Medicine MDT groups, Antenatal Radiographers, Obstetrics, Paediatric / Neonatal trainees.
It promises to deliver engaging and cutting-edge content from experts in the field of fetal cardiology, neurology, imaging and fetal intervention with Postnatal/Neonatal Management Planning.
For more information, to view Scientific Programme and Register please visit:
Conference website: www.lutonneocon.co.uk