20 Jun
Newcastle Surgical Training Centre, Freeman Hospital
Newcastle, UK, 20th June 2019 - 21st June 2019
Course overview
- A two day intensive course Number of Dissectors limited to 8
- DISSECTORS – Will have full access to the Da Vinci Robot with Hands On Procedures and attendance to the Clinical Lectures
- 10 NON DISSECTOR Places only –
- Non Dissectors will have full access to the Clinical Lectures and a simulator
- Refreshments included
- Course certificate on completion, Course dinner
- The course uses fresh frozen cadaveric specimens
- Extended Cholecystectomy
- Distal Pancreatectomy/Splenectomy
- Robotic Suturing
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Liver resection
NON DISSECTORS – Clinical Lectures and simulator access only
- Define the role of HPB laparoscopic/robotic surgery in current day practice
- Appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base in this emerging field
- Share best practice on setting up a robotic surgery programme.
- Overview of recent European guidelines on laparoscopic liver surgery
- Understand the benefits and rationale of offering an HPB service
- Full access to the Da Vinci Robot – with hands on procedures on fresh frozen cadavers and full access to the clinical lectures –
- Become familiar with the function and operation of the da Vinci Surgical System
- Appreciate the ergonomics of the da Vinci Surgical system robot and the available robotic instrumentation
- Understand the selection process for patient position, da Vinci surgical team position and robotic surgical approaches. Learn robotic tissue dissection techniques using monopolar energy
Professor Steven White – Course Director
Additional faculty to be confirmed
Further information
For full details and registration information visit www.nstcsurg.org
Or contact: Louise Sore
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: (+44) 191 213 8589
Email: [email protected]