Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

NICE guideline CG99 Constipation in children and young people: diagnosis and management

After considering the evidence and consulting with experts, Nice have provisionally decided not to update this guideline and to transfer it to the static list. Nice would like to hear your views on the proposal.

Guidelines are proposed for the static list if the latest guideline surveillance review indicates a ‘no update’ decision and no major research on that topic is due to be published within the next three to five years. They may also be placed on the list if no quality standard is commissioned on that topic.
Guidelines on the static list will be reviewed every 5 years to determine if they should remain on the static list.

To comment, please see the consultation page on the NICE website.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Wednesday 26 April 2017. We regret that we will not be able to consider any comments after this date.

We would like to thank you for your continued support and your interest in NICE guidelines.

If you have any queries about the update decision, please contact Michelle Whittaker at [email protected]

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