Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

Management of the Acute Scrotum

This is a survey of management of the acute scrotum among paediatric surgeons and general surgeons (consultants and trainees) carrying out paediatric surgery.

The research committee have approved another survey for circulation to members. This is a survey of management of the acute scrotum among paediatric surgeons and general surgeons (consultants and trainees) carrying out paediatric surgery.

A 2010 survey of scrotal exploration performed by urology and general surgery trainees showed a wide variation in management of suspected testicular torsion between these two specialties. For paediatric surgeons, while there are ESPU/EAU guidelines on management of some aspects of the acute scrotum, much of the evidence is level 3 or 4. Even within some paediatric surgery departments there may not be a consensus on investigation and management. The investigating team would like to identify what current practice is and why opinions on management differ.

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