
Who Are We?

ST4 – Scottish Rotation
The Paediatric Surgical Trainees Research Network (PSTRN) is UK-based and consists of trainees who are passionate about high quality, collaborative, and importantly trainee-led research. Rachel Harwood in Liverpool is the current chair of the core committee that provides support, guidance and practical input for ongoing projects. They are supported by a consultant advisory group, an ever expanding network of core trainees and registrars, BAPS and the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT). They meet virtually once a month to discuss current projects and new ideas.
The PSTRN develops and delivers research from within the group, but can also support external collaborative projects. As with all collaborations, all contributors to these multi-centre studies are recognised, and are PubMed citable.
Their past work includes contributing to the Right Iliac Fossa Pain Treatment (RIFT) study (1,2) most recently published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health (3), and the ORCHESTRA study looking at the post-operative effects of early orchidopexy on testicular atrophy (presented at the BAPS Annual Congress 2017). They have recently completed a study of the timing of presentation with pyloric stenosis during COVID-19 and a survey on the management of paediatric Blunt Liver and Spleen Trauma (BLAST).
There are several projects which are active or in development, which trainees of any grade, and medical students, are welcome to get involved in. These include:
- BLAST audit (prospective data collection of children with Blunt Liver and Spleen Trauma in Paediatric Major Trauma Centres)
- DEFECT study(detailed description of diaphragmatic defects in CDH, method of closure and complications), pilot-study.
- Survey of practice for testicular fixation after torsion
- Survey of practice for imaging during long-term central venous access procedures and complications
We are always happy to welcome new members. For more information please visit our website at or email us at c[email protected].
- Tiboni S, Bhangu A, Hall NJ; Paediatric Surgery Trainees Research Network and the National Surgical Research collaborative outcome of appendicectomy in children performed in paediatric surgery units compared with General Surgery Units. Br J Surg 2014; 101: 707-14.
- RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. Evaluation of Appendicitis Risk Prediction Models in Adults with Suspected Appendicitis. Br J Surg 2019; 107(1) 73-86
- RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. Appendicitis risk prediction models in children presenting with right iliac fossa pain (RIFT Study): A prospective, multicentre validation study. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health 2020 4(4): 217-280.
Curated by Mark Davenport,
[email protected], October 2020