69th Congress Gallery
We were delighted when BAPS member, Alex Lee agreed to be our official photographer for our 69th Congress. We are now able to offer you these pictures to view or purchase.
Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research
We were delighted when BAPS member, Alex Lee agreed to be our official photographer for our 69th Congress. We are now able to offer you these pictures to view or purchase.
Robert Wheeler shares his passion for colour through his surgical work
Read this practical and insightful guide to taking better pictures of your dog, brought to you by our outgoing Honorary Treasurer, Alex Lee
(This instalment highlights a rather unusual career pathway, but is not perhaps for someone with an aversion to flying).
This instalment highlights the plight of Syria seen through the eyes of a highly resourceful paediatric surgeon.
There are over 13,000 consultant surgeons in the UK; 121 consultant paediatric surgeons; six paediatric hepatobiliary surgeons, two of whom are also transplant surgeons and only one of them is a woman!
This is the first in a series of articles about BAPS members, each showing a different aspect to the paediatric surgeon. Many thanks to Paul Charlesworth for giving us such an impressive start. Do get in touch if you would like to nominate a colleague or step up to the plate yourself.
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